What can we do for your housing systems .. or problems.
Look at -
Developing ..
Affordable Housing .
Development Problems .
Housing Design .
Estate Exclusion .
Scheme Appraisal .
Bids ..
Could you do with a helpful inexpensive Excel housing tool ? Now even lower prices !
(Secure online sales through our sister site www.wilmots.me.uk)
1. Your Rented Housing Scheme Appraiser.
Need a good Excel system for appraising your Rented Housing scheme ideas ?
We can do a nice system for £20
Use it to run options with different costs, different rents, different house type mixes,
different void levels and different subsidy levels.
Get instant reports on yearly costs, surplus/loss and receipts - highlighting key profit and subsidy averages.
Easy to use with onboard user help......
Rented Housing Appraiser.
2. Your Home Sales Scheme Appraiser.
Need a good Excel system for appraising your Home Sales scheme ideas ?
We can do a nice system for £20
Use it to run options with different costs, different sales prices, different house type mixes, different phasing and optionally affordable home sales at different subsidy levels.
Get instant reports on yearly costs, surplus/loss and receipts - highlighting key profit and subsidy averages.
Easy to use with onboard user help......
Home Sale Appraiser.
3. Your Shared Ownership Scheme Appraiser.
Need a good Excel system for appraising your Shared Ownership scheme ideas ?
We can do a nice system for £20
Recently improved to run options with different costs, different sales prices, different house type mixes and/or different staircasing.
Get instant reports on yearly costs, surplus/loss and receipts to 50 years - highlighting break-even year and key averages.
Easy to use with onboard user help......
SO Project Appraiser.
4. Your Shared Ownership Buyer Cost Calculator with mortgage calculator.
Want to help your potential Shared Ownership buyers with a good Excel system for calculating its cost to them ?
We can do a nice system for only £15
A simple calculator giving the cost and affordability of a Shared Ownership to a buyer, comes with a separate Mortgage Cost Calculator with Repayment, Overpayment and basic Offset mortgage options.
Easy to use with inputs prompted......
SO Cost Calculator.
5. Your Mortgage Cost Calculators with both low-start and overpayment options.
Want to help your clients with a good Excel mortgage cost calculator system ?
We can do a nice system for only £8
Report monthly to 35 years with summary - 2 easy spreadsheet calculators doing Repayment mortgages, one with Overpayment / basic Offset mortgage options showing how much earlier loan finishes and the amount saved, and one with a Low Start mortgage option.
Also good for private use, and easy to use with inputs prompted......
Mortgage Calculator.
6. OR do you or a friend have serious housing, finance or legal problems ?
In the UK you will often get the best help from your nearest Citizens Advice Bureaux - see
In the USA there is no one good general nationwide help, but for some nationwide issues advice/help - see
Gov Info.
A. If you have money difficulties but are not in serious money trouble, then
- 1. try to pay off your highest-interest loans first, and
- 2. try to transfer some of your higher-interest debt onto your lower-interest loans.
B. If you are in serious money trouble, then do get debt counselling.
C. If your finances are too bad to fix, then you may have to declare bankruptcy.
Or if you are looking for a mortgage to buy property, then maybe look at Mortgages or for science see Science.
DO e-mail (vincent@social-exclusion-housing.com)
Or complete our simple enquiry form
Or write to Vincent Wilmot, 166 Freeman Street, Grimsby, N.E.Lincs, DN327AT, UK.
© Social Exclusion Housing, 2024 - taking care with your privacy, see Social Exclusion Housing HOME.